Professor Paul Amuna MB ChB; MMedSci; RNutr (PH); FRSM; PGCHE
Paul Amuna is a professor at the Department of Family and Community Health, Fred N, Binka School of Public Health, University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS), Ghana. He was the Acting Dean of the Fred N. Binka School of Public Health, UHAS from 2019 – July 31, 2023. He is a Consultant in International Nutrition and Public Health.
He trained at the University of Ghana Medical School and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sheffield. He is a Fellow of the International Union of Nutritional Sciences and the Royal Society of Medicine.
He has served on a number of international boards and committees and has participated on expert scientific panels in the European Union, Africa and at the United Nations. He is a Board Member of the e-Nutrition Academy (eNA), an international multi-technology platform to support nutrition workforce training in developing countries and Advisor to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. He is on the Board of Trustees for the African Nutrition Society (ANS).
As a pedagogic expert, he has helped to establish, run and evaluate academic programmes across a range of subjects in the biological and medical sciences at a number of Universities in Europe and Africa. Paul is a leader in health workforce capacity-building and has led the establishment of scientific professional bodies in the UK and Africa to support the health workforce.
Paul has an extensive academic and professional network of collaborators which he will bring to support the development of any high-level initiative. He is a member of several international peer-reviewed journal editorial boards and also serves as grant reviewer for national and international grant-making bodies including the UK Medical Research Council.